Fine figures in toy soldier style produced by

The Red Box Toy Soldier Company

Brasseagle Studios - The Shelf Scenes

Brasseagle Studios is a product line of 54mm scale, toy-style figures representing the American Civil War

They are cast in high quality white metal, painted and finished as gloss or matte to suit the collectors taste

Each figure is available individually, but some groups are made to form small vignettes, which we call 'shelf-scenes' (so called because they are small and will fit in odd spaces on shelves)

Each vignette is displayed on a small base, of a consistent size, with between four and six figures on each, but they can be butted up to each other to 'grow' the scene if space allows

An example showing two 'fighting size' scenes together is shown below

Details of all the figures and outline details of each base are given in the listing, accessed here - to see full details of each shelf scene, click on the photograph of the scene in the list

Many of the figures can be produced as Confederate army (as above) or Union army

Shelf Scene bases

The illustration shown above is of two prototype shelf scene bases together


The base shown at left is that suggested for the scene 'More ammo...', and is one of the simpler bases which we produce

The base shown at right is that for 'Up and at 'em, men...', and is a more complicated base, in that it incorporates a figure which is incorporated as part of the scenery for that base

Wyhen populated, it looks like ...




The bases are produced in standard sizes depending on the positioning of the figures selected for the scene


Size 1 is that shown in the illustration above, as illustrated in the photograph by the base at the right



The width across the front is 16cm and front to back is 10cm (approximately six and a quarter inches x four inches)

This is the base size used for the scenes in the 'Seeing the elephant ...' group of 'shelf scenes'


Size 2  is double that of size 1 in respect of the front to back measurement, that is it measures 16 cm in width and 20cm front to back (approximately six and a quarter inches x 8 inches


Size 3 is a base size especially for marching figures, and is 9cm (approximately three and a half inches front to back), and is as long as needed for each scene depicted

This is the base used for 'marching' figures, such as in 'Bringin' home the bacon ...', and also combined with other bases to form the 'Head of column...' (part shown here)





How the bases are constructed


The bases are made from three or four pieces depending on the scene

They are constructed from sustainably sourced 3mm thick ply


'Seeing the elephant' vignette bases

Piece 1 is a base, laser cut to size with the Brasseagle logo (this to the underside)


Piece 2 is a laser cut front section, onto which the walls and fences are built


Piece three is a laser cut section which has holes cut in order to seat of the figures displayed in the scene


But note that in the case of the 'Up and at 'em men... base, the figure of the soldier jumping over the fence is 'built into' the front section of of the base if the full scene is ordered - this is shown in the photograph above

(Note that this individual figure is also available with a small fence section and is listed as BS25)

Where you see this symbol under an item, it will allow you to order that item, but see our pages on

'frequently asked questions'


'purchasing our products'

for general information first

You can select a quantity, and in some cases, alternative finishes to the figure
